One Hour Compo - Round 804 (OHC804)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (13)
But the space beacon remains as it always was, since the beginning
This track is a combination of a few ideas, mostly in the atmospheric bracket, but still within a electronic framework. The bulk comes from this sort of space progression in G#, whilst over sounds are adding onto it, in the form of a dynamic melody, pad chords and arps. It's all about being in space. To add a groove i place some breakbeats in, which are all manipulated to make something funky, as well as a bassline which is slightly syncopated to also make it groovy. For the rest of the track i was really just throwing in whatever ideas i could, hence why it's more of a Section to Section type of track (Minus the ending, which brings it all full circle), with each section having it's own idea, be it rhythmical, or just straight up airy sounding. Either way i tried to convey a lot of space ideas into this one, and i don't think it sounds half bad. Enjoy!
it's cozy
14 years I've spent inside this tiny ship this satellite that orbits earth, a distant melody
I tried real hard to find my sound I've honed my craft I did my best but now I've found out this not be for me
I've screamed and whispered into the milky way but I never found the audience for my broken star play
My satellites a joke and it's all my damn fault. I've always used humor as my shield
I 'm running out of fuel I've been chasing the wrong dream the bridge seems to get closer every day
I don't want see the view from halfway down If Chris dies, does the musicdude live on?
This is my first submission so I don't know what I'm doing really.
In the year 2345, space captain Lorenztein must battle his way out of the infested colonies and save the planet Kepler-452.
i couldn't think of anything so here's some harsh noise I made. its mainly AM radio signals and some sound made from my ripoff walkman
Recorded on phone
compared to your work, everything below seems so insignificant.