How do I know when I should foldin’?
How should I know when I’ve had enough?
When can I put down the cards, toss em in the bin,
Try to find the start and let her in,
Would that glue closed this paper heart?
There’s only one way to know for sure
It’s hard to feel the bleeding
Like a sullen, sinking feeling
A short message from some guy in my past
Just let it all wash over
Dry it out and push that boulder
Be the real you ‘til the very last
I guess it’s time to throw the towel in.
Toss it all out, be a new girl, mint
Shred all of the love songs and the
silly origami hearts
Use the scraps to make your flame restart.
There’s only one way to know for sure
It’s always hard to stop the bleeding
When you can’t find the knife that’s stealing
All the energy that you could conjure
Just let it all drip on out
And fill it up with something much more stout
Be the real you, that’s the truth for sure